Senin, 23 Juli 2018

Future Major - A Dialogue

Hello everyone! This is the first task on the third semester of English, which is writing a dialogue with a friend. Our topic is about major subject on college. Thanks for reading!


Alfina: "Hi, Figlia!"
Figlia: "Hello, Alfina. What's up?"
Alfina: "I'm so happy! I can't believe we've done the national exam!"
Figlia: "Yeah, but, I'm anxious about SBMPTN."
Alfina: "Which major that you want to attend anyway?"
Figlia: "I don't know!! I haven't decided yet."
Alfina: "May I give you some suggestion?"
Figlia: "Yes please, I really need it!"
Alfina: "You like biology, right? What about FK?"
Figlia: "No,  it's too risky. People's life could depend on my choice, you know."
Alfina: "How about FITB? We could go to the same major together!"
Figlia: "But I don't like geography and earth science!"
Alfina: "Hmm, you like chemistry as well, right? FTI could be right for you."
Figlia: "Literally every geniuses in this school want to go there, I don't think I'll have a chance against them."
Alfina: "That's fair. What about Vetenary Medicine? You love cats, right?
Figlia: "Oh yeah, that's a great idea! I mean, I'm technically still gonna be a doctor, which I avoid, but I don't think it's as risky as curing human being.. beside, I will see cats possibly everyday! Thanks for the suggestion!
Alfina: "You're welcome."